EPE ECCE Europe: Call for proposals for the years 2025 and later
EPE Association on the one side and IEEE PELS on the other side have as their purpose the promotion and coordination of the exchange and the publication of technical, scientific and economic information in the field of Power Electronics and all its applications. In pursuance of such purpose they jointly organize the EPE ECCE Europe conference every year.
The conference will be organized in a European city with the strong support of the local university and industry.
In order to attract more participants from industry, it is proposed to associate one or two specific topics to each conference. This or these topics must be related to the country or conference city in terms of industry, research or university.
The conference should preferably be held during the 1st week of September (eventually during the 2nd week of September). The conference will normally last 3 days, preferably on Tuesday – Wednesday -Thursday, with a tutorial day before and technical visits the day after. Special care will be taken to avoid overlap with conferences on related topics, as CIGRE and ICEM.
Guidelines to set-up a proposal can be obtained from the secretariat (Philippe.Hamacher@vub.be) or can be downloaded from the EPE Association website:
Deadline for proposals is Tuesday 17 January 2023.
Guidelines to set-up a proposal can be obtained from the secretariat or can be downloaded here:
Download “Guidelines for new conference proposals” …