The EPE Journal is EPE Association’s quarterly publication, published since 1990 and is owned by EPE Association.
The aim of the EPE Journal is to supply all experts in the field of Power Electronics and Drives, especially the EPE Members, with the most recent information on the rapid evolution in the field of Power Electronics, Drives and Industrial Applications.
The journal wants to attract contributions from scientists, but also, and probably mainly, from the ones who are designing and producing power electronics systems, and those involved with the applications of systems in industrial processes.
In addition to original research articles, information is supplied on new products, industrial developments, company portraits, the EPE Association itself as well as international organisations such as the European Commission.
The EPE Journal is recognized as a truly European specialized Journal on Power Electronics, Drives and Applications of a very high scientific and technological level. The journal is in close relation with the EPE ECCE Europe Conference, the leading European Conference in the field, which brings manufacturers, researchers and users together.