EPE Journal Volume 22-4 
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EPE Journal Volume 22-4 - Editorial
EPE Journal Volume 22-4 - Papers



 EPE Journal Volume 22-4 - Editorial 

EPE’13 ECCE Europe, Lille 3-5 September 2013 Focus on future transportation system In a carbon care philosophy  [Details]
By B. Lemaire-Semail; A. Bouscayrol; Ph. Le Moigne; B. Robyns
The conference in Lille will be the first EPE ECCE Europe organized in a Carbon Care philosophy. A specific committee is working hard on that point. Three steps are defined: 1) reduction of the footprints of the conference 2) estimation of the equivalent CO2 3) mitigation by funding projects focused on the reduction of greenhouse gasses. A previous exciting experience (IEEEVPPC’ 10) demonstrated that it is possible to succeed.


 EPE Journal Volume 22-4 - Papers 

Improved Characterization of the Magnetic Properties of Hexagonally Packed Wires  [Details]
By H. Rossmanith; M. Albach; J. Fischer; A. Stadler
When designing passive magnetic components, calculations of the magnetic field distribution inside the winding window become necessary. Numerical calculations, but also other methods like the modal decomposition of the boundary value problem encounter difficulties, when the influence of a great number of wires (e.g. litz wire strands) has to be taken into account. To avoid discretization of a great number of tiny strands, a global property like an equivalent permeability may be used to characterize the macroscopic magnetic behavior (Fig. 1). If the magnetic field is characterized by complex amplitudes, this permeability also has a complex value. Its imaginary part describes the proximity losses in the winding. A possibility to derive this permeability from the properties of a single strand is presented in [1], however, as already stated there, this formula is not equally suited for all frequencies, permeabilities and various ratios of strand diameter to the total litz diameter. Especially for higher frequencies, as stated in [2], most approximation formulas deviate considerably from simulation data.
In this paper, an improved complex permeability model for litz wire windings is derived heuristically from a comparison between simulation results and the standard analytical model. It is valid for all strand diameters, strand distances and frequencies, and may be used for accurate numerical calculations of magnetic fields and losses in magnetic components.

Design and Implementation of a Class-E Self-Oscillating Inverter for Cost-Effective Induction Heating Systems  [Details]
By H. Sarnago; A. Mediano; O. Lucía
This paper proposes a novel topology for a class-E oscillator applied to induction heating for household appliances. The main features of the proposed topology are the high efficiency, low cost and low size, making it suitable for medium-high power applications where efficiency is a must. It only requires one active device and no logic control is needed. The power supply requirements as well as isolation between power and control are therefore avoided. This converter is intended for fixed output-power applications such as rice cookers or coffee machines.
The proposed topology has been designed and tested for a domestic induction heating load. Experimental results as well as key waveforms for a 900-W prototype featuring 92 % efficiency are included.

High Performance Stationary Frame AC Current Regulation Incorporating Transport Delay Compensation  [Details]
By B. P. McGrath; S. G. Parker; D. G. Holmes
This paper presents an enhanced stationary frame PI current regulator that uses feedback of the controller/ modulator transport delay to significantly improve both the controller performance and its robustness to variations in load parameters. An improved anti-windup saturation strategy is then proposed to further enhance the system performance. Matching simulation and experimental results demonstrate the controller’s superior transient and tracking performance compared to a standard PI implementation.

Parameters Identification of the Induction Machine Using a Non Linear Parametric Technique  [Details]
By A. Menacer; S. Moreau; G. Champenois
The aim of this paper is to determine the electrical parameters of induction machine experimentally by using a non linear parametric identification technique. This technique is based on the output error method and the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm, which guaranties the stability of the algorithm far from the optimum and a good convergence speed near the optimum. To assure the identification algorithm convergence, a specific excitation is added on the voltages which feed the induction machine instead of the SBPA noise signal. This excitation should not disturb the normal running of the motor and must be sufficient to assure a good convergence of the identification algorithm.

Description and Comparison of DC Voltage Control Strategies for Offshore MTDC Networks: Steady-State and Fault Analysis  [Details]
By R. Teixeira Pinto; S. F. Rodrigues; P. Bauer; J. Pierik
Estimates are that circa 40 GW of offshore wind power capacity is going to be installed throughout Europe by the end of this decade. In this scenario, a pan-European offshore grid network is needed in order to efficiently integrate large amounts of offshore wind into the different European countries’ transmission networks. In this paper, the dynamic model of a multi-terminal HVDC (MTDC) transmission system composed of voltage-source converters is presented. Afterwards, the dynamic models are used to compare four different methods for controlling the DC voltage inside MTDC networks, viz.: droop control, ratio control, priority control and voltage margin method. Lastly, a case study is performed in a fournode MTDC network and the different control strategies are compared during steady-state and an onshore three-phase fault.