EPE Journal Volume 19-1 | ||||
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EPE Journal Volume 19-1 - Editorial EPE Journal Volume 19-1 - Papers
EPE Journal Volume 19-1 - Editorial | ||||
Welcome to EPE 2009 in Barcelona
By Joan Peracaula; Enrique J. Dede Welcome to EPE 2009 in Barcelona, the Editorial of EPE Journal Volume 19-1 | ||||
EPE Journal Volume 19-1 - Papers | ||||
DC-link Capacitor Voltage Balancing with CMV Elimination using only the Switching State Redundancies for Reduced Switch Count Multi-Level Inverter fed IM Drive
By Gopal Mondal; F. Sheron; Anandarup Das; K. Sivakumar; K. Gopakumar Common mode voltage (CMV) variations in PWM inverter-fed drives generate unwanted shaft and bearing current resulting in early motor failure. Multilevel inverters reduce this problem to some extent, with higher number of levels. But the complexity of the power circuit increases with an increase in the number of inverter voltage levels. In this paper a five-level inverter structure is proposed for open-end winding induction motor (IM) drives, by cascading only two conventional two-level and three-level inverters, with the elimination of the common mode voltage over the entire modulation range. The DC link power supply requirement is also optimized by means of DC link capacitor voltage balancing, with PWM control, using only inverter switching state redundancies. The proposed power circuit gives a simple power bus structure. | ||||
Implementation of HF Current Injection Technique for Three-Phase AC-to-DC Converter
By Hiralal M. Suryawanshi; Mrs. Madhuri. A. Chaudhari This paper presents the high power factor operation of three-phase AC-to-DC resonant converter. The input three-phase uncontrolled diode bridge rectifier is followed by six pulse modified series parallel resonant converter. The high power factor of three-phase AC source is achieved by injecting high frequency (HF) current from output of the inverter to the input of rectifier. Therefore, HF modulation of AC input voltage of the three-phase line rectifier circuit is achieved. The output voltage of three-phase resonant converter is regulated by using variable frequency mode under 180°-wide gating pulse scheme. Detail analysis and design of HF current injection circuit is given for 3.5 kW output power operating at 300 kHz switching frequency. | ||||
Sliding Mode Direct Force Control for Linear Drive System
By Bo Yang A linear motor is direct driven and it can achieve far better acceleration, velocity and position accuracy than its rotary rival motor. The simplest linear motor is the single-sided linear induction motor (LIM), which consists of a primary coil assembly and a secondary formed by a reaction plate.This paper proposes a relatively simple and robust control solution to mitigate the uncertainties of a single-sided linear induction motor. A sliding mode based direct force control (DFC) has been used in a linear drive system because of its fast and precise force response. A control method has been designed, implemented and tested on a test bed platform, where the DFC controls the thrust force of the linear motor by directly setting the primary voltages. The experimental results have proven that DFC with a sliding mode can achieve faster response and be more robust than the conventional vector control under the same conditions. | ||||
Single-Phase Current-Source Active Rectifier for Traction Applications: New Control Strategy based on Phase Shift Controller
By Zdenek Peroutka, Jan MichalÃk and Jan Molnár This paper deals with the single-phase current-source active rectifier dedicated for reconstruction of older types of d.c. machine locomotives operating on both a.c. trolley wire voltages of 25 kV/50 Hz and 15 kV/16 2/3 Hz. This contribution presents new control strategy of the current-source active rectifier using controller of phase shift angle ( j) between the trolley wire voltage and current. Regarding possible interaction with railway track circuits and due to the low switching frequency, the converter employs synchronous PWM. This paper describes in detail proposed converter control and presents simulation results of the laboratory prototype. The simulation results and theoretical conclusions are verified by experiments performed on designed low voltage laboratory prototype of traction current-source active rectifier of rated power of 7 kVA. | ||||
A Single-Phase Shunt Active Power Filter for Current Harmonic Compensation by Adaptive Neural Filtering
By Maurizio Cirrincione, Marcello Pucci, Gianpaolo Vitale This paper presents a single-phase shunt active power filter for current harmonic compensation based on neural filtering. The shunt active filter, realized by a current controlled inverter, has been used to compensate a non-linear current load by receiving its reference from a neural adaptive notch filter. This is a recursive notch filter for the fundamental grid frequency (50 Hz) and is based on the use of a linear adaptive neuron (ADALINE). Current control of the inverter has been done by a multiresonant controller. In this way the inverter creates a current equal in amplitude and opposite in sign to the load harmonic current, thus creating an almost sinusoidal grid current. The methodology has been applied in numerical simulations and experimentally on a properly devised test setup. | ||||
Active and Reactive Powers Control of a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Fed by Matrix Converter
By A. Dendouga, R. Abdessemed, M.L. Bendaas In this paper a decoupled control of active and reactive powers generated by a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) excited by a matrix converter is presented. It provides a robust regulation of the stator side active and reactive powers by the direct and quadratic components of the stator current vector, presented in a line-voltage-oriented reference frame. In this case, the stator windings are directly connected to the line grid, while the rotor windings are supplied by this later through a matrix converter controlled by a space vector modulation technique. The proposed controller is suitable for both energy generation and electrical drive applications. | ||||
Modeling the Space Elevator – A Project Oriented Approach for Teaching Experimental Power Electronics
By Thomas Friedli, Simon D. Round, Johann W. Kolar The “Solar Climberâ€, a model version of the space elevator, is a great project to introduce students to power electronics. In this project the students are faced with the elementary engineering problem of powering a vehicle (an electromechanical system) from a limited energy source such as a solar panel in this case. Apart from learning about and building a simple buck converter as their first power electronics system, they must also identify the interdependences between a limited energy source, energy conversion efficiency, weight and climbing speed. A buck converter is required to convert a solar panel’s output to a voltage level suitable for the electric motors that drive the elevator towards “spaceâ€. This paper describes the motivation, the model space elevator, the learning outcomes and the experiences from this project. Further practical solar power projects, the solar car and mains interface, are presented that have proven to be excellent projects for teaching experimental power electronics. | ||||
EPE Journal Volume 19-1 - The EPE 2009-Conference | ||||
EPE 2009 - The programme: A first insight
By B. Sneyers EPE 2009 - The programme: A first insight |