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   A Refined Detection of a Reference Signal for Converter Controls under Distortion and Frequency Excursion   [View] 
 Author(s)   M. E. Abdel-Karim; A. I. Taalab 
The paper describes a novel technique of how a sinusoidal reference signal synchronized to an a.c. system network, of distorted waveforms and of large frequency variations, can be obtained. A second order bandpass switched capacitor integrated circuit filter is used to produce a sinusoidal signal locked to the distorted input signal. The locking is achieved via automatically controlling the filter center ferquencies using a phase locked loop. Effect of the filter clock frequencies, quality factor and tuning are discussed. How a frequency independent fixed phase shifts, which can be used for measurements of different power system quantities, can be obtained using the proposed technique is presented. The effects of using the zero crossing pulses obtained from the detected sinusoidal reference signal, under distortion conditions on the performance of a single phase converter control is given.
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 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2006-04-18 by System