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   Vector Control of a Variable Speed Doubly-Fed Induction Machine for Wind Generation Systems   [View] 
 Author(s)   R. S. Pena; J. C. Clare; G. M. Asher 
Control techniques suitable for a doubly fed induction generator applied to a wind generation system are presented. A Scherbius scheme using two back-to-back voltage-fed current-regulated inverters in the rotor circuit is employed allowing subsynchronous and supersynchronous operation with low distortion currents. A vector control scheme using a reference frame oriented along the stator flux vector is used for the machine. This leads to independent control of the electrical torque and the rotor excitation current. A vector scheme aligned with the stator voltage vector is used to control the stator-side converter; it gives indepenent control over the active and reactive power flow between the supply and the stator-side converter. The control strategies are tested with the machine working as a variable speed constant frequency generator driven by a wind turbine emulator. Two approaches for optimum speed tracking of the wind turbine are implemented and experimental results for a prototype system are presented.
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 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2006-04-18 by System