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   A Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter Employing a Conventional Three-Leg Converter   [View] 
 Author(s)   M. Aredes; K. Heumann; J. Häfner 
This paper will be available soon. - A three-phase four-wire shunt active power filter using a conventional three-leg converter is presented. It needs no power supply at the d.c.-bus and the a.c.-neutral wire is directly connected to the electrical midpoint of the d.c.-bus. This power circuit configuration has been named "split-capacitor" topology (fig. 1). The active filter controller considers harmonics, reactive currents, as well as unbalances due to negative and zero-sequence components at a fundamental frequency. The goçal is to provide balanced sinusoidal currents to the source, even under unbalanced voltage conditions. Some simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed control strategy.

See as well the "Remarks to the paper "A Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter Employing a Conventional Three-Leg Converter", published in EPE Journal Volume 07-3-4" by Dr. Ing. V. Staudt.
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 Date   Last modified 2006-04-19 by System