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   Power Factor Correction Using Zero-Current-Switched Quasi-Resonant Converters with Voltage-Follower and Multiplier Approach Control   [View] 
 Author(s)   J. Sebastián; J. A. Martínez; M. M. Hernando; J. A. Cobos; F. Aldana 
In this paper we propose to study the use of Zero-Current-Switched Quasi-Resonant Converters as Power Factor Preregulators with two possible types of control: multiplier approach control and voltage -follower approach control. The former allows us to obtain almost ideal operation, but requires switching-frequency modulation each line half-cycle, input current feedback loop and specific controller. The latter allows us high power factor (0.98 - 0.96) and low total harmonic distortion (15 - 26%) with a very simple control method which can be implemented with a standard controller.
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 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2006-04-18 by System