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   Optimization of the Short-Circuit Behaviour of NPT-IGBT by the Gate Drive   [View] 
 Author(s)   H.-G. Eckel; L. Sack 
Short-circuit withstand capability is an important feature for IGBT in inverter applications. With NPT-IGBT, the stress for the device is especially high if the short-circuit occurs while the device is carrying a current (short-circuit type II). In this case, a high current peak and a large overvoltage can occur. In this paper, a model for the dependence of the current and voltage stress of a NPT-IGBT is given. It shows that the voltage stress is especially high for IGBT with a high rated current. A new gate drive concept, the di/dt controlled gate clamping, that reduces the current and the overvoltage is investigated on. This gate drive concept is combined with a concept for turn-off of the steady-state short-circuit. Experimental results show that safe operation in every short-circuit situation is possible.
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 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2006-04-18 by System