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   Soft Switching of IGBTs in Lagging Lag of ZVT Phase Shift DC/DC Converter   [View] 
 Author(s)   Sandra Zeljkovic, Tomas Reiter, Dieter Gerling 
 Abstract   The additional effort to achieve zero voltage transition (ZVT) in the lagging leg of a frequently used ZVT phase shift full bridge converter can be avoided by designing the converter with ‘high speed’ trench fieldstop IGBTs. Thanks to their reduced turn-off but at the same time low turn-on losses, the loss of ZVT in the lagging leg is not anymore critical to converter’s efficiency. Moreover, it can be beneficial due to their improved ‘switching to conduction loss’ ratio. Based on that conclusion, a simple method to maximize their efficiency by minimizing the resonant inductance is proposed. 
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Filesize:513 KB
 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2017-04-06 by System