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   Switching Strategies for DTC on Asymmetric Converters Driving Induction Motors   [View] 
 Author(s)   José A. Restrepo; José M. Aller; Julio C. Viola; Alexander Bueno; Víctor M. Guzmán; María I. Giménez 
 Abstract   In this work, the possibilities offered by the additional switching states present in an asymmetric three phase converter (compared with the existing states in the conventional three phase inverter) are studied in order to improve the performance of Direct Torque Control induction motor drives. The proposed algorithms make use of these additional switching states sets in order to increase the operational range of the asymmetric converter and to reduce the ripple in the system variables. Simulated and experimental results obtained for different switching sets are presented and compared. 
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 Type   Members Only 
 Date   Last modified 2011-11-17 by System